It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
Health and Wellness coming your way

Sunday, October 7, 2012

6 word Saturday

 Morning Glory breaks into Nights Darkness

Linking with ShowmyFace


  1. I like your six words, Austine. With a blink of the eye morning has gone, where did it go? And now, already it is evening. Oh for the shortest day in December to hurry and be gone.

    No 6WS for me this week or probably the next as I am starting to lay lower on the blog as I getting ready for another biggie in my routine. That involves seeing a couple of grandkids again.
    Oh yes, Happy MidWeek Blues. Thank you for peeking in on mine.

    1. Sounds exciting, enjoy your new adventure. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you will at least continue to blog a little about your new adventure.

  2. Enjoy the Fall break. We don't have that in Texas schools. ;)

    1. How sad. I'm not sure I understand the concept of fall break. But I'm sure enjoying my time. Have a great week.


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