It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
Health and Wellness coming your way

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday Midweek Blues

                 Midweek Blues-Traffic on the way home from the swim meet. Hate when there's an accident. I was spending my time thinking about all of the work that I needed to get done and my stomach was rumbling.  Then my tire light came on to add to the problem. Thankfully it didn't blow up or anything but my stomach started to growl and a twenty minute ride home turned into an hour. Fun in the city.

Linking with MidWeek Blues


  1. The worst thing about cities is the traffic. Glad the tire held out.

    1. Me to. I'm lucky cause I work in a direction that I rarely hit traffic.

  2. Happy MidWeek Blues. Sorry about the sorry start. I had one of those also coming home from playing golf on Tuesday (I am retired). Thank you for peeking in on my blues poem.

    1. How fun, being retired and getting to choose how you are going to spend your day. And Golfing at that. What a great way to spend an afternoon. Enjoy.


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