It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
Health and Wellness coming your way

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Six word Saturday

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow could change!

If I make the choice then tomorrow does not have to be the same as today. 


  1. Nice Six Words, Austine ~~ As they say, "Tomorrow is a new day." Nice post.
    I do 6WS quite often, I'll look for you next week. I sat this week out but had one last week.

    1. I will take a look at yours from last week. This is one of my favorites as well and seems to be one of the few I consistently post to as my life get's crazy. I have missed pink Saturday and reflections. Anyway, thanks for stopping by. I have to remember this phrase for tomorrow.

  2. Isn't it wonderful...that we get a new beginning each day? I don't know what I do if we didn't☺
    Thanks for joining Pride in Photos family.


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