It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Birtday Son

My son was born on September 12th. 

I woke up in the hospital on the fateful day of Sept. 11th where I had been off and on for a week. I watched the horror unfold as I wrestled with the excitement that soon I would be a mommy, while being scared to death that I was bringing a child into this world with crazy people that hijacked planes and killed innocent individuals. Of course less then twelve hours from my delivery, I guess technically at that point it wasn't up for discussion.
 The towers fell, chaos ensued around us and eventually the pain ripping through my abdomen required me on the second day to shut off the devastating news and focus on the task at hand. While New York fell apart and the rest of the world was trying to understand the details my oldest son made his loud entry into this world. Ten fingers, and ten toes, my perfect baby boy. "How lucky I was," kept running through my brain as my heart mourned for the loss of Americans. The unnecessary loss of life.

 Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

As, that fateful day of September 11th happened yesterday, and while I cerebrate my son's birthday I appreciate those who fought on that day and continue to fight for the freedom I have. For the world that now my son is a part of. I remember those who chose to say no to violence and say yes to peace and those who are still fighting for that.

1 comment:

  1. A day we all remember. Happy Birthday wishes to your son……….

    The French Hutch


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