It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
Health and Wellness coming your way

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Six Word Saturday

I wish I needed a scarf!

Okay, I love the warm weather. Anyone who knows me knows that. They know that 104 degrees is okay with my. However, at this point I'm a little ready for a little cooler weather. It has been a long summer, and I would love some 80's.  But I'm grateful it's at least not going to snow. 


Linking with Show My Face


  1. 80's! So that's your winter's almost scarf-time here!

  2. Hi Austine ~~ I'd loan you a scarf but it seems you really don't need one yet. My cousin wintersr in Phoenix to get away from Nebraska scarf weather. We really never need them here in Texas either.

    Thank you for peeking in on my Two Shoes post with the fellow fishing for golf balls in the sand trap water. Oh yes, my cousin plays golf in Phoenix.

    1. I appreciate the offer, I guess I don't need one yet. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, Texas is warm also.

  3. Full waterproofs day here today. We are getting battered with a force eight from the Atlantic.

    1. Ouch, that does not sound like fun. Hope it is better now. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Soon, this week is still 102. Next week it is supposed to cool off. Have a great week and thank you for stopping by.


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