It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
Health and Wellness coming your way

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sunday Breakfast

I used to wake up early on Sundays, call my mother-in-law and talk on the phone. Then I would clean the house and cook breakfast for my boys. It was the one time of the week that I cooked a good breakfast.  I haven't done it in awhile but today, I was feeling spunky. Of course I burnt myself again, because that usually happens at least once when I'm cooking. Anyway, french toast, cheesy hash browns and bacon.

French Toast:
Vanilla (Specially made from my dad)
10 grain bread
Coconut oil-instead of butter

 No breakfast is complete without a good cup of coffee.

And Some bacon to top it off. Sorry no pics of the cheesy hash browns. But they had onions, cheese, cream of chicken noodle soup, and hash browns cooked in my special Pampered Chef cooker.

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