It Works Opportunity

It Works Opportunity
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friendship Friday

My Black Cat-He blends
My husband and I's oldest Feline Friend

The black cat we lost when about a year ago, he left home one day and did not return. My the little white one is grown and healthy

As a Baby
All Grown Up
My Bulldog-My baby

Our oldest friend-who is the best dog in the world

A stray that followed us home and has stayed with us

Friendship Friday this week asks about pets. I have three dogs and three cats.


  1. Three dogs and three cats! Wow! Love your pics.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. At one time we had nine. I'm a sucker for the animals.

  2. I love happy endings for pets. So glad you gave a home to so many! They are very lucky!

    1. Thank you. Although, the newest edition pushes the line alot. We are working hard to train her so that she is a good doggy.

  3. Love your animal pics! :-) We have cats at our house and they are just so much fun. Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. You have such a beautiful family. If I could I would take them all in too, but my darling husband has a limit :-)

    1. My husband has a limit too. It just increases with each new animal. We used to have nine when we first moved to AZ. I just remind him that we have downsized.


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